Amani's Message of Gratitude for 2018 and Action Kivu Year in Review


A message from Amani Matabaro, Action Kivu’s Founding Director and the co-founder of our local Congolese partner, ABFEC.

As we say goodbye to 2018 and welcome a new year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our supporters, and to share what your partnership has meant to the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Congo is a country with very little in the way of access to quality education for children, women’s empowerment, and socioeconomic services. Yet the country is as vast as all of Western Europe and a very rich country in natural resources such as diamonds, coltan, copper, cobalt, and gold. It is what I call a rich country for poor people.2018 was a special year in that, for the first time, a local Congolese organization built a high standard school to promote nonviolence and peace, entrepreneurship, equality, equity, and transformational leadership. With the dedicated support and majority funding from our Peace School partner, the Dillon Henry Foundation, and generous support from Pour les Femmes, as well as the individual contributions from so many of you, the Congo Peace School, a decade-long dream of mine, became a reality. The construction of the school campus started in September 2017 and was completed in July 2018. Using the training I received from the University of Rhode Island’s Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies as well as my training in Cognitive Processing Therapy for communities that have experienced trauma, I began training the staff and students in August, and the Congo Peace School opened in September 2018 with four classes of the eventual 12 grades, a student population of 160, balanced for equity between girls and boys. It is one of the only schools in the region where the students receive two meals a day, often the only food they will eat, as well as have access to a school counselor and nurse.

The mission of the school is in line with all of our ongoing programs that invest in the education, equity and equality of girls and women, from vocational training courses that include the Sewing Workshop. Since partnering with Action Kivu and our family of donors, we have graduated 205 sewing students with their own sewing kits to start their businesses, with 42 ready to graduate right now. Girls and women denied a formal education learn practical skills to earn income such as soap making, bread baking, basket weaving, organic farming and an education in protecting the environment, animal husbandry with goats, pigs, rabbits, and fish contributing to the health of the farm, and the Literacy Program, which, combined, have served over 300 women and girls since 2010.Our HIV/AIDS education and treatment project is saving lives. With the support of donors to Action Kivu, Nurse Jeanine has tested over 1400 people in 2018, and follows up with those who tested positive, offering access to treatment at the clinic where she works. She speaks with hope about the change she has seen from the education and information campaign we started in 2016, when she had to work to convince people to be tested for HIV. Now, she says, men and women seek her out. And some who tested positive have told her that if they had met her earlier in their lives, they would never have been infected.

As word spreads of the valuable, life-changing assistance these programs provide, we continue to see many more children, women, and teen mothers coming to seek support from locations deeper in the South Kivu Province. These survivors are my heroes, they inspire me to keep pushing forward for peace, equality, and education for them, their children, and the world!I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank all our supporters, large and small, for their allegiance to the programs and steady support throughout a period in which they have other important things to take on but they chose to make our life changing programs a reality. I hope that, as you look at these pictures, you will see how your support makes a huge difference by being well used in responding to very real, critical needs. Hence your support is making a huge difference and brings a new hope in the lives of so many who have seen nothing but violence, have felt nothing but despair. We now see hope.

With gratitude and appreciation,Amani Matabaro

It's not too late for a year-end donation online, or to set up a monthly donation that allows us to plan ahead as we deepen our impact in the lives of women and children in Congo, and all the people they influence.Every dollar makes a difference. $20 buys a ream of fabric for the women in the Sewing Workshop to learn with. $35 pays for one month of one girl’s sewing education. $50 pays for seeds for the farm. $150 pays for one month of one of the literacy teacher’s salary. $200 pays for one month for nurse Jeanine’s family planning education and HIV/AIDS testing and prevention. $2000 pays for the yearly salary for one of Action Kivu’s sewing trainers.We are grateful for all you do to invest in this life and culture changing work! 

Farm to Sewing Table: Nathalie's Vision


We first met Nathalie in 2017 on Action Kivu's organic farm, where she was working a plot of land with her mother, Rose.Nathalie is one of nine children, and the fourth of eight girls. Her parents could not afford to send their kids to school, and when her father died, Nathalie's mother started working on the farm, to grow healthy food to feed her family and sell at the market.Fast forward to 2018, and Nathalie has been working hard at Action Kivu's Sewing Workshop, determined to create a better life for herself and her family. "I was envious of the women who had graduated from here," she said. "I wanted to be like them: strong, empowered women."Speaking about the community she has found in her sewing school, she said, "being here, learning from others, having them learn from me, mutual collaboration is community."Nathalie is ready to graduate, and we're raising the funds to buy her and her fellow students each a sewing kit, complete with a Singer sewing machine, to start their own businesses, and to be like Bahati, Class of 2017, who is already earning enough income to care for her six children, and to have purchased a second machine, to teach her own students!From December 10th to the 15th, 2018, Action Kivu is hosting a giveaway to raise the funds to graduate 42 students and continue our life-changing programs in Congo. Visit to learn more, and donate! 

Action Kivu's Student Educators: Ending the spread of HIV AIDS in eastern Congo

Nurse Jeanine sits with six of the students who are anti-HIV / AIDS educators in their schools and communities, gathered to update us on their progress and the change they've seen from their outreach. With the support of donors to Action Kivu, Jeanine has tested over 1400 people in 2018, and follows up with those who tested positive, offering access to treatment at the clinic where she works. She speaks with hope about the change she has seen from the education and information campaign we started in 2016, when she had to work to convince people to be tested for HIV. Now, she says, men and women seek her out. And some who tested positive have told her that if they had met her earlier in their lives, they would never have been infected.Enter in the student educators. Led by Jeanine, they take their knowledge of prevention and treatment into their schools, teaching their peers and engaging their families and communities. Bisimwa joined Action Kivu's education club in order to not only protect himself from the disease, but to save future generations.Nurse Jeanine also teaches family planning to the communities Action Kivu partners with. Both men and women, who often cannot afford to feed or send to school the children they do have, come to meetings to learn what contraceptives are available and will work for them.The need is great, in the community of over 80,000 people in Mumosho, and if you'd like to help, please consider a one-time gift or monthly donation to support Action Kivu's work in Congo!

  • $60 allows Jeanine to test 100 people

  • $10 buys one month of cotton balls or a box of gloves

  • $60 pays for one month of Jeanine's travel via moto into villages for follow-up visits with people who are HIV positive

  • $300 pays for one month of Jeanine's community work and time treating students at the Congo Peace School

Jeanine sends her thanks to everyone who is connected to this program - it is truly saving lives.Read more about All Together Against HIV/AIDS here, and click here to donate to Action Kivu's life-changing work in Congo. Thank you for all you do in partnering with the people of Congo!

Matabaro and Mukwege: Daily Inspiration for Peace and Equality

From our Founding Director, Amani Matabaro, who is a community organizer in every facet of his life, from his work with Action Kivu his commitment to the mission of Rotary International. Read Amani's words, as his Rotary Club delivers medical equipment to Dr. Denis Mukwege for use at the Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, DRC: "What an honor being a founding member of the Rotary Club of Bukavu Mwangaza! Today is an unforgettable day whereby my club officially hands over this medical equipment (Digital X-Ray / Brivo-F) to the Panzi Hospital, a life changing project whose vision came from Dr. Mukwege, the recipient of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize. [The equipment donation] is possible thanks to the generous support of Rotary International District 1620 in Belgium and the Rotary Club of Bukavu Mwangaza in south Kivu, DRC."

Dr. Mukwege is a man whose sense of humility and compassion will inspire you every time you meet him. Today was not the first time I met Dr. Mukwege, but I felt moved by his words calling everyone to make a difference and not just stand idly by doing nothing."No matter where you are, you can make a difference and change the lives of so many, whether through the Panzi Hospital and Foundation, or through Amani's work in education, from literacy to organic farming to sewing workshops to the newly opened Congo Peace School, paving the road for peace ambassadors.

If you want to support this groundbreaking, life-changing school, visit Even $3 per month makes a difference, and the need is great, as we grow from four grades to the full school of 12 classes. The school is already changing the lives of the students and staff. Read more about their stories here.

Feminist Manifesto: Teach her to reject likeability

Bulangalire did not hesitate to speak up as we talked about what equality means for women and girls in Congo. "I'm very angry about the discrimination," she said. "My father told me I shouldn't go to school, that my brother should. My father knows he owes me a debt for not putting me in school."

In her book A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie writes, "Teach her to reject likeability. Her job is not to make herself likeable, her job is to be her full self, a self that is honest and aware of the equal humanity of other people. ... teach her to be honest. And kind. And brave. Encourage her to speak her mind, to say what she really thinks, to speak truthfully. And then praise her when she does." (Eighth Suggestion)

Bulangire speaks her mind, sharing her story in order to change her world: "I got married, and the marriage ended, and I had to move back home. I told my father, see, if I'd had an education, I could be teaching right now."

Bulangalire may have missed her opportunity for a formal education, but thanks to support from Action Kivu's generous donors, she is learning the latest in organic farming, using new skills to grow nutritious food for her family, her community, and to sell to the Congo Peace School so that the students eat healthy meals, grown locally!

If you want to partner with us in this movement for equality, education, and peace, click here to donate today, and consider making it monthly. Our family of monthly donors allows us to plan ahead in sustainable growth.

Congo Peace School: Training in trauma-informed care

The Congo Peace School teachers and staff continue to be trained in the tenets of peace & nonviolence. Amani Matabaro, trained at the University of Rhode Island in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s prinicples, leads the sessions, and reports that the teachers and staff are deeply engaged in the training.

One teacher responded: "We are training and educating these children differently. I wish I had had a chance to get educated on these topics when I was [the students'] age. They will not be violent, they are very lucky to grow up understanding what equality, humility, respect, peace, courage, self-worth and especially what healing and forgiveness mean."During the training last week, the faculty practiced the principles of nonviolence and peace through role-playing, learning to identify and respond to the signs of trauma.Some of the examples given to the teachers and staff to understand when students are showing signs of trauma:

· Weeping/crying for no reasons

· Sadness· They may want to stay very close to a grown up person of their choice because they have fears

· They have nightmares

· They want to stay in isolation

· They show signs of delay in physical development

· Their sleep is disturbed

· They rebel· Disobedience

· Wet the bed beyond the age of 6

· Disrupted appetite

· Physical health issues: stomachache, headache

The teachers are trained to respond to trauma in the following ways, and to immediately refer them to the school counselor.

· Showing or expressing affection to the students, affection can help them to heal

· Take them in their arms and talk to them gently

· Be very patient and nice with them

· Help them express themselves in words or drawings and games for those who can

· They need to be comforted, use easy and clear language with them

· Listen and respond to their questions

· Give them space and time to speak about their dreams

· Encourage them to make friends and build their hopes together

If you want to join the movement, a monthly donation of as little as $3 / month helps us plan for the future as we grow from the current four grades to fill the school's classrooms with all 12 grades. Learn more and make a commitment to peace at

Thank you to our Action Kivu family, members around the world who are part of making this vision of peace a reality!

Pascaline's Determination: Education in Congo

"My plan was to apply for a job at the Congo Peace School, but I realized that priority would be given to those with an education. So I enrolled in Action Kivu's Literacy Program." Pascaline, 18 years old, was only able to attend school through the 3rd grade. Learning to read and write through Action Kivu's adult Literacy Program, Pascaline wants more, to go beyond what we currently offer, and get the equivalent of a GED, to have an official certification that she has the education of a high school graduate, to be able to apply for good jobs, and possibly attend university.We love Pascaline's vision and determination. While DRC *does* have remedial education programs where a student who did not attend school can combine all six grades of primary school into three years, and then all six grades of secondary school in three years, these, like other schools in Congo, are not funded by the government, and Pascaline cannot afford six years of school to get her diploma. As we seek full funding for the Congo Peace School, we look to include the remedial classrooms as "night school" in the future.

Scroll through our site to learn more about how everything we do is based in education, from educating communities in human rights and equality to preventing HIV/AIDS to organic farming. 

Bahati's Education: From Action Kivu's Sewing Workshop to Small Business Studio

Everything we do through your support of Action Kivu is grounded in education - education about equality and human rights that is taught and practiced, education in the new classrooms of the Congo Peace School, daily lessons on the sewing machines or at the blackboard in the Literacy class, or in the dirt of the organic farm, an open-air classroom that is teaching sustainable, healthy food-growing practices.It was an honor to meet one of our graduates in her own new classroom, her sewing studio, where, with the profits from her new business, she was able to invest in a second Singer sewing machine, and charge for lessons for a young high school graduate who plans to study fashion. Meet Bahati, who graduated Action Kivu's Sewing Workshop last year, in the class of 2017. Only 28, Bahati is the sole provider for six children, three of her own, and three of her husband's, who recently passed away. Bahati, who was forced to quit school one year before graduating secondary school, knows the importance of an education, and uses the profits from her sewing business to send her children to school.Bahati has a message for you, the supporters who made it possible for her to learn a new trade and skill, and start her business with a sewing machine. Click on the video below, or here, to hear from her. Invest in education and equality today! Click here to give a one-time or monthly donation.

Sara's New Hope: Action Kivu's Sewing Workshop Community

Sara Quote aug 2018

Sara Quote aug 2018

We hear over and over from the sewing students and recent alumni - how being a part of a community, learning marketable skills, and embracing their equality as women is opening new doors for hope, for planning for the future. Sara, whose father died in the conflict, only attended school through grade 5 of elementary, as her mother couldn't afford the fees. Now 20 and a mother to a three-year-old, Sara lives at the Teen Mother's Center, supported by Jewish World Watch and their partnership with Amani's work, and is a part of the Sewing Workshop, Class of 2018, thanks to our Action Kivu family of donors.  Hope has been restored through living in community with the other teen mothers, and in her sisterhood of sewing students and the graduates who are modeling the way to earning income and creating a new life.

"Being here has taken me out of danger," Sara told us. "Being with others has helped me balance my thoughts and feelings," Sara told us. She had been desperate, but now, "living with others in community gives me hope, I can focus on tomorrow."

This is a marked difference from when we began Action Kivu. On a visit to Congo in 2011, when we asked the first cohorts of students in the Sewing Workshop what they hoped to do with their new machine and skills, the question was often met with silence. Action Kivu's Founding Director Amani Matabaro paused in his translation, and explained, for most of these girls and women, they do not know how to hope for the future. They need to focus on survival for today: how will they feed their children? Will they be safe tonight?

Your investment in Action Kivu's community building work is changing lives, opening the door for the women and girls to step through with their brilliance and determination, bringing back hope and planning for a brighter future for themselves and their children.The impact of your support is palpable in Congo. It is seen in the smiles of the women as they work. It is heard in their voices as they share their stories, hopes, and plans with ease. Please share these stories with others in your community, to help us continue to provide opportunities for peace and hope to flourish!

Nonviolence and Peace Put into Practice: Amani and the Congo Peace School

nonviolence training AK logo Tony Mancilla photog Aug 2018

nonviolence training AK logo Tony Mancilla photog Aug 2018

The Congo Peace School opens its doors on Monday, September 3rd! This month, our Founding Director Amani Matabaro trained the teachers and many of the students in some of the practices of nonviolence and peace. We've posted a video and more photos that are accessible when you support the school via our Patreon page for as little as $3 per month! That's less than a morning latte in most places - can you commit to being a Congo Peace School patron today? Each month you will receive an exclusive video update from the school.

Photo credit: Tony Mancilla