Pascaline's Determination: Education in Congo

"My plan was to apply for a job at the Congo Peace School, but I realized that priority would be given to those with an education. So I enrolled in Action Kivu's Literacy Program." Pascaline, 18 years old, was only able to attend school through the 3rd grade. Learning to read and write through Action Kivu's adult Literacy Program, Pascaline wants more, to go beyond what we currently offer, and get the equivalent of a GED, to have an official certification that she has the education of a high school graduate, to be able to apply for good jobs, and possibly attend university.We love Pascaline's vision and determination. While DRC *does* have remedial education programs where a student who did not attend school can combine all six grades of primary school into three years, and then all six grades of secondary school in three years, these, like other schools in Congo, are not funded by the government, and Pascaline cannot afford six years of school to get her diploma. As we seek full funding for the Congo Peace School, we look to include the remedial classrooms as "night school" in the future.

Scroll through our site to learn more about how everything we do is based in education, from educating communities in human rights and equality to preventing HIV/AIDS to organic farming.