Mi Casa Su Casa ... My Goat is Your Goat

50 women gathered at the Mumosho Women's Center to meet their goats. Given to each through Action Kivu's partner ABFEK, the goal is to breed these lovely lady goats with a billy goat, to improve the milking productivity, and to grow the goat family.

When a baby goat is born, the family caring for the goat will return the baby to ABFEK to pass it on to another neighbor who is waiting.  Paying forward the good in their lives, providing more milk to drink and sell, the community will grow stronger, Amani explains.  Which is why the project is called, "My goat is your goat." 

Creating community is crucial in our work.  But sometimes, in the midst of life, it can be easy to forget the basics:  "When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together." ~ Robert Fulghum (All I Really Needed to Know I Learned from Kindergarten)

To hold hands with the women in eastern Congo, help grow the community and the goat families, please consider a donation to Action Kivu!  All funds donated are tax deductible in the U.S., and go directly to the programs on the ground in the Congo.