Ennock's Dream in Eastern Congo: Education & Engineering

Ennock is SO happy to be in school.

Ennock's father died in the conflict while working as guard at a local power station, and Ennock plans to do well in school to become an engineer, focusing on electricity. He's one of the 169 children going to school because of Action Kivu / ABFEK's education assistance program, made possible through a grant from Jewish World Watch.There are so many more children who need assistance to pay for school fees, supplies, and a basic uniform. In fact, there were 91 kids attending school through a different sponsorship program that had to fold.  Your donation goes directly to sending these kids back to school, and makes a marked difference in the lives of the children, who are so eager to learn, graduate, and create a better community in Congo.Primary school fees, including uniforms, copy books, pencils and slates = $6.25 a month, or $75.00 a year per student.Secondary school fees, including uniforms, copy books, pencils and slates = $8.00 a month, or $95.00 a year per student.Start a monthly donation today, or send a check for one year (see site for address).  On PayPal, please write "School Fees for new student" in the Notes to Seller spot.