Repairing the World: Be Part of Building the Congo Peace School! [Video]

Thanks to a generous grant from the Dillon Henry Foundation, we have begun construction on the Congo Peace School! With $42K left to go, we have 90% of the budget to build the school."The world is torn apart, Congo is torn apart, but people coming together, people choosing to work for peace, can repair the world." Hear from Amani about the impact and importance of your partnership with the people of Congo!In addition to the Congolese school curriculum, the teachers and staff will be trained by our partner, Amani, to integrate nonviolence and trauma support into the school system, creating education for leadership, to raise up peace leaders, and influence the future of Congo through its youth. Based on Amani's training in Kingian nonviolence from the University of Rhode Island, the educators will help children and communities understand that, "I am, because you are,"" and "you are, because I am."Peace and nonviolence will be a part of the curriculum, with teachers trained to discipline without violence, and to identify and address trauma in children. With class sizes limited to 40 versus the typical 75-80, children will receive more one-on-one attention, and an education to become peaceful leaders with a sense of agency.Donate today and invest in promoting peace, education, and equality. Every dollar helps fund the the Peace School and our other life-changing work! Join the movement at of the Congo Peace School!CPS construction site_nov 2017 - 1Edu quote 2 girls posted May 5 2017