Girl Rising and Generosity: Celebrating International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day! What are you doing to celebrate? To reflect? To give to continue the movement of equality and opportunity for the women and girls in your life?

Today is a great day to practice generosity, whether that's giving to support Action Kivu in our work sending girls to school and teaching women valuable life and job skills, or writing a note to encourage a woman you know. 

The writer behind DailyOm shares about Giving with Joy, that "Today, courting happiness can be as easy as incorporating a philosophy of generosity into your existence.

"When we give others the gift of self-sufficiency by helping them prosper, we simultaneously give ourselves the joyous gift of knowing that we have contributed to the advancement of humanity as a whole. Our lives feel emptiest when we feel we have little to give the world in the way of charitable contributions. Yet by simply helping others whenever we can, we become part of something far larger than our individuality. Any isolation we might have felt disappears and is replaced by a wonderfully potent sense of personal satisfaction. Our efforts, no matter how small, remind us that we are, in fact, capable of making a difference using only the tools and resources we have in our possession. You will feel that your life is laden with gifts today when you share your abundance with all who are in need of aid or solace."

And, if you have the opportunity, find a screening near you to watch the film "Girl Rising."  Here's a bit of its inspiration for your day.  Watch and share!