To Protect One Protects Many: Action Kivu's HIV/AIDS Education & Testing [Photos]

Students line up to have their finger pricked, their blood drawn, and their HIV test taken to a clinic. Nurse Jeanine is matter of fact as she has the high school students role-play the situations that might lead to contracting HIV/AIDS, how to prevent its spread, and what it means to live with the disease.  Her notebook and pamphlets use illustrations to reach those who cannot read or write.Jeanine has seen a lot of changes in the two years of Action Kivu's HIV/AIDS education and testing campaign. "At the beginning, people were afraid to be tested. Now, with education, people show up and ask to be tested," she says. The campaign is in its second year, and even churches announce meetings for testing and education. But religion still proves a problem, as the church in Congo does not condone the use of condoms, and yet will excommunicate a pregnant woman who has no husband. Amani, Action Kivu's founding director, speaks up: The answer is to raise awareness, to educate the church leaders as well.All Together Against HIV/AIDS educates the youth in this corner of eastern Congo, who then take their knowledge back to their schools, their families, their churches, to be the educators. "The work makes me happy!" Nurse Jeanine says as she pricks the finger of another student. "To protect one person protects many people."

In just two years, we've tested over 1000 students and community members. One box of 100 test determiners costs $40, one box of lancets costs $40. The challenge is safe transportation to rural areas (Action Kivu does not have a 4x4) and the need is great. To invest in this life-saving work, donate today!

Scroll down through the photos to see the winces, grimaces, and grins of a day of testing and education.



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