Join us in providing laptops for students at the Congo Peace School! A local electronics supplier in South Kivu was so impressed with Amani Matabaro's vision of peace and equality realized through education and community, that they will sell us gently used laptops at a discounted price.
Most of the students have never seen a computer, and learning computer skills and word processing will give them a boost in education and the platform for economic equality.
With your $100 gift, you will receive a picture of a student using this new tool and showing off what they’ve learned!
Donate here and be sure to include the best email address for us to send you a photo once the laptops are purchased and the students have begun learning how to use them.
Learn more about the Congo Peace School here:
Determined to Learn: Anouarite's Story
Education, Equality, & Peace: The Congo Peace School and Action Kivu's Adult Education Programs
Education is the thread that ties together everything Action Kivu supports in Congo. The Entrepreneur Training provides education and training for women to launch a small businesses, that ties in to:
The Community Farm, providing both an education in organic farming and regeneration as well as crops to sell for income and for daily meals for the Congo Peace School students, students who are tied to:
An education grounded in peace, nonviolence, and equality, giving the students a sense of agency to act as ambassadors of peace, ready to change the world!
Join the movement today, and partner with the people of Congo.
Rosalie: Congo Peace School's Ambassador for Peace Speaks about Nonviolence
Today's inspiration from Rosalie, one of the Congo Peace School students: encouraging us all to go out and be courageous in peace & nonviolence! Rosalie dreams of being the president of a peaceful Congo, and she is practicing being an ambassador for peace every day.Please share to let others know about the exciting education grounded in Kingian peace & nonviolence principles at the Congo Peace School. Invest in a more peace-filled future here:
Rosalie's Thoughts on Nonviolence:
Nonviolence. As for Gandhi, he defines nonviolence as nonparticipation of whatsoever one thinks is badly done, that in his book, all men are brothers. Nonviolence is a real resistance, a tactic and spiritual path which aims to trigger peace. Nonviolence rejects all forms of cowardice and requires courage of its practitioner. It is a matter of loving your opponent and being ready to forgive him/her. We, young girls of the Congo Peace School, the Congo of tomorrow, let’s be committed practitioners of nonviolence and peace ambassadors. Thank you!
Congo Peace School: Training in trauma-informed care
The Congo Peace School teachers and staff continue to be trained in the tenets of peace & nonviolence. Amani Matabaro, trained at the University of Rhode Island in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s prinicples, leads the sessions, and reports that the teachers and staff are deeply engaged in the training.
One teacher responded: "We are training and educating these children differently. I wish I had had a chance to get educated on these topics when I was [the students'] age. They will not be violent, they are very lucky to grow up understanding what equality, humility, respect, peace, courage, self-worth and especially what healing and forgiveness mean."During the training last week, the faculty practiced the principles of nonviolence and peace through role-playing, learning to identify and respond to the signs of trauma.Some of the examples given to the teachers and staff to understand when students are showing signs of trauma:
· Weeping/crying for no reasons
· Sadness· They may want to stay very close to a grown up person of their choice because they have fears
· They have nightmares
· They want to stay in isolation
· They show signs of delay in physical development
· Their sleep is disturbed
· They rebel· Disobedience
· Wet the bed beyond the age of 6
· Disrupted appetite
· Physical health issues: stomachache, headache
The teachers are trained to respond to trauma in the following ways, and to immediately refer them to the school counselor.
· Showing or expressing affection to the students, affection can help them to heal
· Take them in their arms and talk to them gently
· Be very patient and nice with them
· Help them express themselves in words or drawings and games for those who can
· They need to be comforted, use easy and clear language with them
· Listen and respond to their questions
· Give them space and time to speak about their dreams
· Encourage them to make friends and build their hopes together
If you want to join the movement, a monthly donation of as little as $3 / month helps us plan for the future as we grow from the current four grades to fill the school's classrooms with all 12 grades. Learn more and make a commitment to peace at
Thank you to our Action Kivu family, members around the world who are part of making this vision of peace a reality!
Nonviolence and Peace Put into Practice: Amani and the Congo Peace School
The Congo Peace School opens its doors on Monday, September 3rd! This month, our Founding Director Amani Matabaro trained the teachers and many of the students in some of the practices of nonviolence and peace. We've posted a video and more photos that are accessible when you support the school via our Patreon page for as little as $3 per month! That's less than a morning latte in most places - can you commit to being a Congo Peace School patron today? Each month you will receive an exclusive video update from the school.
Photo credit: Tony Mancilla
Congo Peace School Student Stories 2018
To Shadrack, the word peace means stability. "Congo needs that," he told us in July, as he thought about what a school based on the principles of peace and nonviolence will mean for him, his country, and the world. Shadrack lives with his grandparents, after his father, a soldier, died when Shadrack was just six years old, and his mother recently passed away from HIV/AIDS.13 year old Shadrack will enter his first class at the Congo Peace School as a secondary student in grade 1. He's excited to learn who his French teacher will be, and continue to study his favorite subject a this new school. "I've heard the term nonviolence," he said, "but I don't really know what it means.""My only dream is to be admitted to this school," said Shadrack."Oh!" Amani paused in translating for Shadrack. "He says, 'I want to be like Amani, to do the work you are doing, to help others.'"
Amani is Action Kivu's Founding Director and the visionary leader behind all we do in Congo, inspiring the community that peace is possible, and it starts within each of us.
When asked what the term "nonviolence" means to him, Arsene replied: "I've only ever heard of violence, not nonviolence. Our teachers tell us about what is happening in the world, and it is all related to violence." I asked Arsene what expectations he has for this new school, based on the principles of peace and nonviolence. "We never know," he said. "I hear this school will be a blessing. Maybe I will graduate and become president."
From our U.S. ED, who is in Congo reporting on our ongoing programs and the Congo Peace School:
Thank you to the newest members of the Action Kivu Congo Peace School Patreon family. Your monthly commitment helps ensure the ongoing education grounded in peace and nonviolence for students like Arsene, who will enter grade 2 of secondary school at the Peace School this September.
Thank you to all our Patreon donors, Guardian Donors, our partner Dillon Henry Foundation, and PLFDreams for making this vision of peace possible, investing in future peace leaders. It starts here.The need is great, if we reach $650 / month on the Patreon page we can pay 2 of our secondary school teachers a living wage. Jim us for as little as $3 per month!
"But I have no uniform."
Our U.S. ED reports from Congo: Visiting Action Kivu's Literacy Program, I noticed that one student appeared much younger than the others. Asking the age range of the group, I learned that Anouarite, pictured here, is 10 years old. After a few students shared their thoughts on equality and community, and Amani and I started to say our goodbyes, Anouarite stood up and addressed our Founding Director and leader Amani, telling him she is an orphan who has no one to pay for her education, so she joined the Literacy Program, determined to learn how to read and write. Barely four feet tall, she stood strong and confident and asked if she could attend the Congo Peace School when it opens in September. Amani said yes on the spot, as part of his criteria to select students is to find those most vulnerable, who have no one to look out for their education, as well as to find strong leadership potential, students willing to assert themselves. As we celebrated her drive and determination to get an education, she interrupted: "But I have no uniform." Amani assured her that the uniform and supplies are part of the school, and she will be well cared for. Action Kivu's Sewing Workshop students and alumni will be paid to make the school uniforms for the 160 students will will launch the school this September in grades 1 & 2 primary, and grades 1 & 2 secondary, part of the synergy that is implemented across much of Action Kivu's work on the ground in Congo.
Celebrate Anouarite's courage and determination with a monthly commitment to her education and students like her! A pledge of $3 / month ($36 / year) will purchase 3 uniforms for students at the Congo Peace School. Learn more and sign up at our Patreon Page -
Walking Free with No Fear: Ntaboba’s Story
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Ntaboba, before his surgery, with his aunt and mother. |
Ntaboba is 14, a slight boy with a wide smile that is often masked by his look of concentration. Ntaboba, who attends school with the help of Action Kivu's education assistance program, is focused. Focused on school, on his dreams of becoming a doctor, and on walking without the crutches he used to depend upon. At age 14, he should be in grade 2 of secondary school, but because of physical setbacks, he is in grade 5 of primary school.When he was six years old, Ntaboba, whose name means "no fear," stepped on a live grenade in the jungle near his home in eastern Congo, mangling and twisting his leg, forcing him to walk with a metal pole for support, which further twisted his spine. Because of the injury, he often missed classes and fell behind in his education when he could not navigate the five kilometers to his school.Margaret Johnson and Betty Merner, two Americans visiting their friend Dr. Victoria Bentley of Empower Congo Women, met Ntaboba in Mumosho, through Bentley’s work with Amani. They quickly connected to Ntaboba’s soft spirit and strong character,and were determined to do what they could to help him. Thanks to the emotional and financial support of these women and school kids they work with in Rhode Island, Ntaboba received a surgery on his leg from Heal Africa in Goma, a hospital renowned as one of only three referral hospitals in the DR Congo.
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Ntaboba, Summer 2012, after his surgery. |
Though the surgery was successful for as much damage had been done to his leg, Ntaboba still misses school during the rainy season, which turns the dirt roads of Mumosho into deep, slick mudslides.According to Amani, there are few solutions to this problem. One is to board Ntaboba near the school, which costs around $400 USD each quarter. The longer-term sustainable solution is to find a place for his family to live after we build the Peace School. The Peace School will offer the traditional Congolese curriculum, as well as teach alternative courses in human rights, giving orphaned and vulnerable kids like Ntaboba a place to study and play in peace, growing the future generation of peace builders for Congo.(We're currently working with Amani on a budget and outline for the cost to build and staff the school, looking to raise approximately $185,000 USD. More to come, soon!) Ntaboba is doing his best to walk without crutches, determined to finish school so he can live his dream to become a doctor. No Fear.Thanks to Margaret, Betty, the school kids of Rhode Island, and everyone who partners with us! It's only through supporting each other that we make a difference.
Give Peace a Chance: Amani's Dream of a Peace School
Amani Matabaro, our partner in Congo, works to empower and educate women and children in his native eastern Congo via Actions for the Welfare of the Women and Children of Kivu (ABFEK). A college graduate and former teacher, Amani speaks several languages fluently, is a husband, a father of six, and is known as “Papa Amani” to the 115 vulnerable or orphaned children he sends to school through an education assistance program. In Congo, where years of war have decimated the population and over 5 million people have died from the fighting and the resulting poverty, HIV and other illnesses, education offers hope for a different, better, peaceful future. Through the support of American non-profits including Action Kivu, Kids4CongoKids, Rotary Clubs and others, Amani is making this happen.The current village schools, mud rooms with little light or equipment, are not up to the challenge, and Amani dreams of opening a Peace School. Using the land where his childhood home is built in the village of Mumosho, Amani, whose name is translated “Peace” in Swahili, has plans for a school to serve all the at-risk children in the district. To offer a free and safe education, teaching not only the basic Congolese curriculum, but to build up the future leaders of a peaceful Congo through the education of human rights, the arts, non-violent communication, good-governance and community building.The cost to build the infrastructure of the school, including a health care facility and an area for a goat and cow husbandry project to provide milk and nutrition for the kids and bio-fuel and fertilizer for the ABFEK shared farm, is approximately $185,000.00 USD*. All donations via are tax deductible, and nearly 100% (minus nominal banking fees) go directly to the work on the ground, due to the all-volunteer staff in the U.S. To support the building of the school, please note “Peace School” on your PayPal donation or check.In the current village schools in the Mumosho district in eastern Congo, the kids sit shoulder-to-shoulder on rows of short wooden benches, their knees acting as desks, their feet clad in dusty rubber sandals rest on the dirt floor, a blackboard the teacher’s only tool. A sunny day, the window cut out of the mud wall allows a bit of light into the dark room. The school uniform is a bright, cobalt blue skirt for the girls and shorts for the boys, their white shirts ranging from button downs to tee-shirts, all yellowed with age and dirt, frayed and torn. Almost every child sports a pair of rubbery plastic sandals in a variety of neon colors that are dulled by dust.On Action Kivu's recent visit, we were introduced to Shukura, a 10-year-old girl in the 4th grade, sponsored by ABFEK / Action Kivu, who is at the top of her class. In fact, all girls had taken the top three spots of the fourth grade, the other two sponsored by Kids4CongoKids. Sponsoring kids, especially girls, whose families cannot afford the 5$/month school fees, makes a marked difference in a community where poor families often choose to educate sons over daughters.Shukura tells us shyly that she wants to be a teacher when she graduates. Most of the children in the schools we visited plan to be doctors or teachers, two of the only professions they see in their villages. Zawadi, however, whose name means "gift," wants to be an agronomist. The land here is wildly rich, but despite the beans, bananas, corn and cassava growing like weeds, many of the children are malnourished.Zawadi is in the second grade at APSED, a sort of charter school formed by neighborhood parents who wanted to ensure war orphans and poverty stricken kids receive an education. ABFEK / Action Kivu sponsors 19 kids there. With so many children at the school, and only three small, dirt-floored classrooms, the kids only go a half day, so the other classes can meet the second half.We waited to meet 11 of the sponsored kids in the principal's office, a few chairs and two desks filling the room, posters of basic anatomy and a hand-printed list of the school's objectives decorated the mud-brown walls. The first girl, around eight years old, walked in and confidently shook our hands with a clear "Bonjour! ça va?" An extremely serious boy wearing a torn shirt with a brick red collar somberly shook our hands, then solemnly gave Amani a fist-bump.The principal explained that the kids at APSED school come from particularly bad situations, and that it is his job to encourage them. Many live with extended family or host families, having lost parents in the conflict. He singled out one little girl, showing how her right ankle and leg curved unnaturally out, making it difficult for her to walk and play. She was scared speechless by the cameras and the muzungus (white people), her lips moving, but making no sound. The serious boy, Bisimwa, volunteered to take her place, putting her out of her misery. Without cracking even the smallest smile, he told us how he likes science and nature, and plans to be a teacher. He lives with his dad, after his mother died.Ashuza stepped into frame, wearing an over-sized tee-shirt that nearly covered his blue shorts. He balanced easily on his right foot, his left foot twisted inward at a right angle. The principal explained that he was born with the defect, another reminder how few medical treatments are available or affordable here. Ashuza loves to read, and wants to be a doctor. They took the gifts of crayons and candy (snack-sized snickers, m&ms and twix) with a whispered "merci," and carefully put the chocolate in their pockets, to savor later.These children in eastern Congo have experienced only uncertainty, and seem to have a hard time envisioning a bright future. In response to Amani's question, "What is wrong with Congo," the kids at Burembo Elementary answered:• Hunger• Killings• People robbed going to and from mining areas• Rape against women should stop• Theft• Teachers should be paidWhen you were 6 or 10 or 12, did you even think about what was wrong in your country? How would you have answered the question? How can we create change so the next generation of Congolese kids answers differently?From Amani: Sub-Saharan Africa has over 30 million kids who have no access to education. Their countries governed by ill-intentioned politicians and warlords, they are often used as child soldiers for armed groups. The peace school will offer conflict besieged children a chance for an education, and act to prevent conflict by educating the young generation.