Microloan Mom in Congo: Nsimire's Vision for the Future

WITH QUOTE_NSIMIRE_ SELLING FRESH BEANSIf you were to meet Nsimire selling her fresh beans at the Peace Market in Mumosho, you might address her as "Mama Nsimire," as the women in Congo are called. The moniker could not be more true for Nsimire, who is the mother of 18 children.Due to extreme poverty, eight of Nsimire's children have died, and she and her husband now care for 10 kids. Before she received a loan through Action Kivu's Power of Unity group, Nsimire was working on a farm, earning around a dollar per day of labor. With her husband unemployed, they were unable to feed or clothe their children, let alone pay for their school fees.After receiving a loan of $50 USD from Action Kivu's Power of Unity group, Nsimire began her business selling fresh beans at the market, and now seven of her 10 children are enrolled in school!Part of the Power of Unity program is to pay forward her loan, to invest in more women entrepreneurs joining the group to start their own small businesses. Beyond that investment, Nsimire envisions sending all of her children to school, and opening a big shop in Mumosho.To invest in women like Nsimire, visit ActionKivu.org. Every dollar makes a difference in changing the lives of these women through literacy classes and vocational training programs, and immediately affects the lives of their children through nourishment, health education, and formal education, helping to break the cycle of poverty. We're grateful for and depend on our generous monthly and one-time donors! Click here to learn more.Save