Namwezi to Antoinette: My Goat is Your Goat

In Shi culture, the dominant tribe in the areas where we work in eastern Congo, a goat represents good standing in the community, as they are payment for dowries in marriage, or given as gifts as a sign of cementing goodwill and friendship. They've also come to represent the rooting in connection and community inherent in Action Kivu's programs. In "My Goat is Your Goat," one family's goat becomes the mother of the next family's goat, passing one kid forward, growing the family, one goat at a$80 is the cost of buying one goat for a family in Congo, and Action Kivu is working to raise funds to buy more goats to expand the program in Congo, which currently serves 600 people in area of 50,000. Our goal for 2017 is to buy milk goats from Uganda ($185 to purchase and properly transport the goat to Mumosho, DRC), to expand the animal husbandry program to milking and making cheese, not only to combat the malnutrition that is a cause of death for children under 5, but to provide new entrepreneurial opportunities for the women in Congo to earn income and invest in the future of their children!Consider a monthly donation to Action Kivu today